- You PROMOTE Your LOCAL Business To Get SALES,
- Want BETTER Results
At 1/5th The Cost !!
Whatever local small business you are in you already know that to GROW it you need to continually expand your
customer base *Connect with people who want to
buy what you sell!
So, traditionally, how do you do this?
Well you market yourself right? Advertise, promote, network, cold call etc.
It's hard work. It's time consuming and it's expensive, and you
have to market your business continuously to get more clients. There is a better, more
cost-effective way!
Use The Internet to GROW your business... "Get A Dedicated, Digital Sales Force Working Tirelessly On Your Small Business
Marketing 24/ 7/ 365 For Cents On The Dollar!"
Why Use The Internet To Market
Your Small Business LOCALLY?
Most local business owners think that the Internet is about web sites and
communication. And yes, this is true. But, the Internet
is now about much, MUCH more than websites!
The Internet is now LOCAL!
The three major search engines on the Internet (GOOGLE, YAHOO and BING) have all released
their own versions of LOCAL search systems. Google's system is called GOOGLE
More and more people are using Search Engines to find LOCAL BUSINESSES (63% of all searches according to
Google)... and MANY are searching for YOUR local small business services right now!
Are You Found When
People Search For Your Local Business Services?
The Internet is now SYNDICATING ITSELF!
Heard of blogs, podcasts, rss syndication, or news feeds? Maybe not? (but you soon
When the US Presidential candidates issue media passes to selected "bloggers", and prime time
US TV shows run blogs on their own websites they have very good commercial reasons for doing so.
These blogs are visited frequently by the major search engine ranking
'bots'. It's all about marketing!
And, if you have a business blog, when LOCAL people search for information related to what
you do THEY WILL FIND YOUR SMALL BUSINESS (if it is set up correctly for local search)!
This is ONE reason the CEO's of MAJOR Corporations
now publish their own blogs!
What Does this Mean for You as a Local Business
Well, simply put YOU WILL BE FOUND when people search the net with key terms
relating to your regionally-focused business, industry or service. [Note: 83% of all web-based queries originate from search engines
searches. So, strategically-targeted blogs, and other web-based systems can virtually DOMINATE
local keyword searches on the search engines for local industry/ business search terms].
How could these
technologies BENEFIT your local business?
The Internet is now MULTIMEDIA!
A global, internet-based television network is about to go "live" ... You can already send TV
quality video via email on a 28.8k modem, and run 8 person conferences for the cost of a local phone call.
Google and Yahoo have embraced video. YouTube.com currently has approximately 27.8 MILLION searches a DAY in the
US alone! *Strategic YouTube campaigns have
regenerated small businesses!

You can now create web pages that talk, and then email them to people ... You can create full
colour product catalogues which are delivered electronically.
Australian software that is currently in development will enable you to shoot your own product
(digital) videos, drag and drop the files into the software to create your own auto-run CD's, which you then
copy at $1.00 a CD, and mail out to your prospects.
And then there's DESKPING, a desktop marketing revolution.
And then there's Web Conferencing, ideal for lead
generation, conferencing and sales training!
Are you using multimedia and video to promote your local
The Internet is now SOCIAL NETWORKING!
Twitter, Facebook, Foursquare, LinkedIN, MySpace - Social
networking sites are exploding, and these sites are no longer just for teenagers chatting about
online games anymore. Real, LOCAL business is being generated on the web everyday via these social networking
Celebrities, Politicians and Business Leaders are flocking
to Twitter in droves. Why are they doing this? Because,
that's where the people are! *How could you
use Twitter to promote your LOCAL business?
And of course there's
the Facebook behemoth with its 750 MILLION users. Facebook Ads can
target people locally, by their age, gender and interests! And, the greatest growth demographic for
Facebook users is now the baby boomer generation. *How
could you target your local customers on Facebook?
Are you interacting with your local customer base via social
The Internet is now MOBI (mobile) LOCAL!
Google just bought Admob for $750 million... and then it
bought Motorola (the mobile phone company) for a few billion. Apple quickly responded by purchasing the
next largest mobile advertising platform for $250 million. BING then got serious setting up its own mobile
Why have these technology giants got very serious about mobile? Well, it's
because they know that there are already 5.8 BILLION mobile devices in the world (smart phones, ipads and tablets).
This is FIVE times more than the number of people who use desktops and laptops to access the Internet.
Now, Google states that 40% of ALL web
searches on its search engine are LOCAL.
These Searchers are LOCAL People Looking for LOCAL Businesses!
And, as this mobile technology becomes more powerful and e-commerce
enabled, research indicates that the use of smartphones to access the Internet will explode. *Heard of QR codes yet? You soon will.
QRcodes are now being used across the
world on...



business signage
real estate
Now, mobile advertising may still be in its infancy but within the next
few years use of the MOBILE web will explode across the world! How could you
use mobile marketing system to FIND and then COMMUNICATE with NEW CUSTOMERS automatically
and immediately? *Think
Restaurants (for starters)
And... Then there
are iPhone, Android and Facebook APPS!
Is your marketing set up to interface with this mobile

Are You Still
Using Analogue Techniques In This New Age
Of Digital Marketing And
The possibilities are endless... As broadband Internet connectivity becomes the standard more multimedia applications
with breathtaking functionality will be released to market small businesses.
AND... [once set up] digital marketing systems deliver new customers automatically 24/ 7/ 365 without
the involvement of one additional staff member. *You will need to hire more sales staff
AND... all of this is possible for 1/5th - 1/10th the cost of whatever it is that
you are doing right now to promote your local small business using expensive traditional
marketing methods.
AND... we run LOCAL Small Business Marketing campaigns for select clients on 3 continents.
We're EXPERTS in this new field: Digital [Desktop] Marketing for small business.
There is a BETTER Way!
Get New Customers to CONTACT You!
Here's How it
1. We set up multiple, targeted, electronic
lead generation marketing systems specific to your local small business which utilize
these sophisticated, cutting edge web-based SYSTEMS.
2. We FOCUS your campaign within your desired 'territory' using a variety of
these web-based systems that intercept the LOCAL search-for-information flow on the Internet. Then,
we send these prospects to YOU. When intercepted in their LOCAL web-search process people are
more likely to buy from YOUR local business!
3. Your 24/7/365 automated sales system communicates with your web-based
prospects. You get queries from qualified prospects RIGHT on your own computer desktop and/ or by
phone. You then close the sale.
4. Your leads are highly
targeted, specific to your local area and ready to buy.
AND, before you ask... NO! Our systems do NOT use outdated or illegal
email marketing techniques! Your prospects give you PERMISSION to
contact them!
Click Here to Contact
Us Today!
Before Your LOCAL Competitors